shopping spree~

April 29, 2017

Same old excuse – been busy with work and other stuff. Got my CD orders recently so I’ll also be busy listening to new music XD Got kuraki mai’s singles “Yesterday Love” and “togetsukyou ~kimi omou~” (“Togetsukyo ~I think of you~”), album “Smile”, and kanon’s album “Fountain of Life” (as usual, thank you to for listening to my special request!).

new record???~

June 18, 2016

As usual, I haven’t made any updates for a long time! But I think this is a first – it’s been a year since my last post? WordPress has changed so much since my last log-in that I was confused at first! Hopefully I’ll remeber to be a bit more active moving forward….

happy summer~

June 21, 2015

I can’t believe my last update was in February?! I guess I’ll never make a good blogger as I rarely update XD

I completed fujita maiko’s newest single oborozuki along with translations. I know I haven’t touched her album since the last update but I have an excuse: I’ve been hooked on this Japanese online farming game! Yes, hooked to the extent where I actually spent real money to advance…. (aside from other changes like a new job, some unknown allergic reactions and such)


February 18, 2015

I recently came back from my vacation (and I want to go on another one already!) In the meantime, I did some updates here and there:

~new translations have been added on fujita maiko’s lyrics page and the song list for her newest album is also up
~song lists for hardly ever updated page for mizuki nana is updated with her “newest” singles (she just has too many songs and I think there’s a lot of sites dedicated to her songs already)
~translations for kanon’s ‘lullaby with love’ are done

Oh, and before I forget, Happy Year of the Sheep/Ram/Goat! 😉


December 27, 2014

Lyrics for kanon’s newest album Lullabies with Love is done. Translations to follow shortly… Other than that, I got sick again! For the past several years, I always get sick on Christmas! Must be all the stress this season brings….

i’m blowing up~

December 6, 2014

Lyrics for kuraki mai’s 15th anniversary best album is done. Translations are also done. A lot of the songs have been featured in her previous best album…
As for kanon, I decided to order some random keychain for the free shipping. It’s on it’s way now 😀

best of the best?~

November 23, 2014

I hate it when they do this: releasing a “best” album with one (or two) new song(s)… I mean, I have to buy an album because there’s no other way to obtain those couple new songs (unless I download :P). For those interested, I started a page for kuraki mai’s 15th anniversary best album. There are three lyrics missing because one of the songs was released on her symphonic album (which I didn’t bother listing on the website) and the two other songs are new. I’ll get to them once my awfully busy work schedule mellows a little…
Also great news to kanon fans! Yesasia has responded to my request to make her newest lullabies album available 😀 Sad news for me: I need $1 more in purchases to be eligible for free shipping! Maybe I should look for something cheap…


November 5, 2014

Kanon is finally releasing a new CD (an album!) on 11/26 but Yesasia didn’t have it listed so I sent a special request… Hopefully they’ll offer the CD for sale! And as a side note, I got my copy of kuraki mai’s “muteki na haato” CD and updated the lyrics as necessary some time ago.

wish i had an invincible heart…~

September 19, 2014

So I did place my order for kuraki mai’s newest single but I placed the other with other items (one to be released in late september) just so I can get free shipping so for the time being, I used whatever kanji lyrics I could get my hands on online. Lyrics for the ‘muteki na haato’ single and translations are now done. I’ll be comparing the lyrics once I get me cd with an actual booklet and make any corrections as needed. I guess this will have to do for now…. I prefer ‘stand by you’ but we’ll wait and see if the other song will grow on me.

it’s really been a while~

August 30, 2014

I’ve been feeling a lot lazier recently and haven’t been updating too often (being a lot busier planning a reunion and getting a summer flu didn’t help much either)… I spent some time on updating fujita maiko’s lyrics/translations for the past couple nights. Some were done as I was half falling asleep so it may not make sense. And with a lot of unexpected expenses for the past month and the upcoming one, I haven’t ordered kuraki mai’s newest single yet 😦 Hopefully that’ll get done soon….